History, experience and background

    Sourcing Sourcing

    We will find a specific source for the given product you are looking for. If not, we will direct you to the best possible source of such a given product, and we will research the optimum logistics in all steps of any transaction.

    Logistics Logistics
    We specialize in locating exportable goods worldwide, finding buyers for those goods, exporting them, as well as transporting them in the most cost effective and efficient way available. Mostly dispatching by truck, container or plane.

    Trading Trading
    We have extensive experience in the marketing of products around the world. Our solid network of contacts allows us to supply, buy or market all types of products in the required time. We can act as an agent, or for our own account.

    Projects Projects
    We design, execute and monitor each project individually. Providing our experience and knowledge to each product or project; generating a plus for its global marketing.